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Here is an explanation of the numbers that are displayed on the Virtual Dome screen. This will help to explain the discrepancy between the total number of participants shown on the left hand side of the Zoom screen, and the Virtual Dome participant number displayed in the right hand column of the Zoom screen, at the top of the participant list-of-names.
1) The Virtual Dome participant number shown at the top of the participant list on the right hand side of the Virtual Dome screen is approximately 400- 500.
2) The Virtual Dome participant number is then adjusted to include couples: approximately 700.
3) And then we add the following:
4) We also have a group of approximately 150 Sidhas joining us from Colombia.
Participation in the Virtual Dome will continue to increase as we all spread the word among our Sidha friends. Our goal is to have 3000 Sidhas, in North America, lifting off at the same time. Right now we are half way to our goal. If each one of us reaches out to a Sidha friend who has not yet joined the Virtual Dome, we will reach the goal and will have established the required Super Radiance number for North America.